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Showing posts from 2012

Being human!

You can be the most practical person around who counts their chicken before they hatch or the most calculative one who foresees the pros and cons of everything they get into. You can be the strongest one who takes responsibility for all your decisions and bear the brunt of everything with your shoulder high and chin up. Trust me, none of this works when you fall in love. Suddenly earth seems to be a better place to be on. People around you make no difference to your life how so ever stupid they might be (and these are the people who made your life miserable before the miracle happened!). Karan johar was not wrong when he said that the world looks quite colourful when you are in love. He just made it too literal in his movies though!  There comes a stage when your madness crosses all the limits possible and you decide to give up everything just to be with the “perfect partner” (or the “right one”, as they diplomatically call it). You give up everything you had hard earned.