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Showing posts from April, 2013

Mother of the chosen one

Now all is said and done, I am left with a blue scarf As that was one piece of cloth, they did not have to tear apart From the lady with a camera to my milk man Everybody asks me how I feel repeatedly What do I say to their questions? When words have failed me completely I want to tell them that I celebrated Like any other mother, when she was born I loved her when she held my finger first And I love her even now when I mourn She was a chirpy child like any other With her pigtails and eyes so bright And she smiled every time She got her maths sums right We had many sleepless nights When she was a child How we wanted her to grow up then To get rid of an adventure so wild How were we to know, that For rest of our lives we would never sleep she was our proud and honor, but her memory has  left a scar so deep I don’t know what they saw in her Or what she did which was so wrong To see her in the group of girls returning home

Being Happy

Getting married and staying into this institution for one year is not quite an achievement as I come from India. In my country, weddings are supposed to get repaired not exchanged when malfunction. However, one year has made me older and wiser. Even if I hate to admit the older part, I brag about the wiser one. Well, even if not wise, below mentioned points will make you happy for sure. And being happy is more important than being wise. 1. There are no adjustment issues if the love is mature : If you tell me you never had adjustment issues in your marriage, trust me darling, for the rest of my life I would think you guys are cheating on each other. Or lying. You better be lying for your own good. When you have had more than two decades to shape up your life and form your opinions, love does not change everything overnight. 2. We fight because we love each other : I have often heard couples saying that they fight because they love each other. No morons! That is no

Writers' Block

Since the time we got hitched It will a year quite soon Its amazing how everything has changed But in our minds, it always has been june! From “that’s-ma-guy” to “meet-ma-hubby” The journey has had its ups and downs I wish I had kept my temper in check, But we have had more smiles, lesser frowns! I discovered the clown in me, You found out you could be a child We thought we got to know life And we thought we were lost in wild! Marriage is made up of two people, And laughter acts as the glue Why am I coming up with such shitty rhyming Seriously, I have no clue! But I am sure you know what I mean Even when you cannot read mind! I am blessed to have you around And you are lucky as I am one of a kind! Since it’s humiliating, and difficult To go on when you have writer’s block All I would say, I loved this year With you, everyday round the clock!

Flight of dreams

Today , for once, I am complete And younger than I would ever be again Today I am breathing happily And I am free from any pain Yes, I did make some mistakes But this morning I woke up and I am alive, Proof enough that I have been forgiven So I would rejoice and revive What I thought to be an end, Is just a new beginning, it turns out So today I will laugh out loud And at the top of my lungs, shout I will free the songs trapped in my head And out of the cage, they will fly I will hold their wings and they will Carry me to the blue bright sky There I will catch some clouds and In my pockets, I will stuff them If they get little ruffled, My dreams will again fluff them And you make sure birds are chirping When I put my feet back on land I have collected all the stars to make you smile,  And I will put them on your hand And you will give me shells you collected On the blue green sea shore They will sing to us the secret