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Showing posts from 2018

How not to apologise

 Apparently, I have read enough of self help articles on the click bait websites. The side effect is I am talking in points and oozing wisdom. Before this gets irritating and someone smacks me back to my senses, I should impart some of this wisdom to the world. I am a kind soul after all! This is one of those ten perks of being Indian. Other include good food and dazzling clothes. I wish I could help you with that but since I don’t have time for elaborate cooking and being a minimalist, my wardrobe isn’t overflowing with abundant useless stuff, wisdom and kindness is what you get here! So, how not to apologise? 1.        You are not entitled to an apology! The earth was here first, remember? You honestly didn’t think you can march in and demand something you are yet to earn. This is the real world, unfortunately, most of the times and words have some real impact here. In fact, I would like to extend this philosophy to other aspects of life. If you haven’t earned it yet, you ar

Expecto Patronum

Something I know the HP fans will understand instantly. For others, there is a simple explanation. In life we all go through tough times. Some unavoidable, some self-created but we have them nonetheless. And as the cliché goes, you can either sing through the rain or get sodden and cranky. Not sure if that is how the saying goes but you get the picture! And in order to sing through the rain you need a happy thought in your head because let’s be honest! Getting drenched can get uncomfortable as soon as your socks and underpants get wet. That happy thought of yours is a Patronus. Some of us are better in retaining that thought than others. Understandably it is difficult to remember and relive a moment that happened long ago. However intense it was, one moment is probably not enough. That is why you need a Patronus every day! Set your mind on an otherwise insignificant but beautiful moment and try to carry that feeling with you for an entire day, at least for some time. You can’t c